Scientific Method

scientific-method5Scientific Method is a type of method of procedures that has natural science that consists of different steps such as observation, measurement,experiment, formulation, testing, and testing of hypotheses.

Aristotle was one known as the father of science,who was the first to realize the importance of accurate measurement. But many scientists rejected his ideas such as Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes. Both of them gave their lives in order to understand the determination of truth. Francis Bacon showed the importance of experimentation and observation. Rene Descartes stressed human reasoning as the closes way of understanding.

Descartes finalized that he had to live his life as a rational being. He was the one to state,”I think, therefor i am.” This means that a thinking human being has a reason to exist if he uses his mind.  This method is used among almost all the scientist.  It gives reason and explanation and  sure understanding of truth of the tested scientific theory.  The first step to this method is first questioning.  Scientist first question their theory and use reasoning to see if it actually makes sense. Next is research, they will research to see how they will experiment and continue their procedure. Next is Hypothesis to make an educated guess of what will happen.  Then you have the experiment itself, you then observe and come to the conclusion.