
humanismeHumanism is a HUGE part of the Renaissance.  It was the largest theme throughout that time period.  The main focus was taken from God, and directly implemented on man.  Previously, man was okay, they had God, they were fulfilled.  They believed the Church and they did all of their thinking for them.  They went along living a faithful and ordinary life.  They Prayed and had a family, and did what was right.  Of course not everyone was like this, there was crime, and other religions.

The Renaissance brought changed.  They wanted to figure out why things worked, how things worked, they wanted to live an extravagant life, and be famous for a scientific discovery.  The whole idea of Humanism formed the Renaissance. People where still faithful and Godly, but it was no longer the main reason for living. The Renaissance was not a bad thing, it was quite magnificent the new technology and ideas where fascinating but their lives was not as simple as they where before.

Men reeked to find better and new ways to solve human problems and figure things out.  People wanted to know how the world existed, they didn’t just want to believe that God made everything perfectly.  They wanted to use their minds that God gave them, to figure out how everything works.