
heliocentricThe idea of planets revolving around the sun is called Heliocentric. This was finalized by Nicolaus Copernicus. Before this, everyone believed the Earth was the only planet and that the sun traveled around us. The Catholic Church also believed this but disagreed with Copernicus’s theory.

The Church had been teaching the opposite of Heliocentric so it was hard for them to agree with it at first. The Church opposed the theory of Heliocentric because is was against the grain of science during that time. It is hard to change the teachings that had bean passed down from centuries.

At first, people thought the Earth stayed still and everything else orbited around us. But after the Heliocentric model came out,people started to observe and study the sky and planets more closely. They discovered that we have a moon that orbits around Earth. And that all the planets, including us, orbit around the sun.  Finnaly people agreed with the idea, including the Church.  And from there on, we know are certain 100% that the earth along with many other planets, travel around the sun.