John Calvin

john-calvinJohn Calvin was also a huge part in the Protestant reformation. Serving as a priest and lawyer he published “The Institution of the Christian Religion”. Likewise to Luther, Calvin stressed that salvation was through faith alone. Meaning all you need is faith in God, you do not have to act a certain way, you can live your life the way you please as long as you believe in God.

According to John Calvin, the bible was the only source of truth. Predestination was a teaching that God long ago knew where you would go after you died.  God determined from the second you where even a though of where you would end up in Heave or Hell. Decided by Calvin, the world was made up of two kinds of people saints and sinners. Calvinists followers tried to live as saints because they believed that they could only go to heaven.  This contradicts his teaching that you only need Faith and not works.

All around Europe the ideas of Calvin spread it was then lead into Germany, France,England, Scotland, and the Netherlands. In France wars between Calvinists and Catholics began.  The persecution would also then start.  Calvinist were almost just like Lutheran with only a few different ideas.